Friday, May 15, 2009

Estonian Government Crisis..

       Estonian Government is not in a very good place right now, as there are a lot of problematic discussions on the topic of balancing the expenses and profits of Estonia. As the local elections in October, as well as European elections, are coming up, a lot of politicians see it is a good chance to make them selves seem as good for the Nation as they can, and make others look bad. The opposition party’s, especially Keskerakond, are putting a lot of effort to it. Their goal is to make Reformierakond, who is doing their best to cut as many expenses they can, to save Estonia, look like they are trying to ruin the nation. They are trying to push the Government to crisis, to try to get to power.

       As Mart Laar has said: “Pushing Estonian Government into crisis will not help to create now jobs and keep the present ones.” He toned, in an interview in Äripäev, that at the moment, what Kerserakond is trying to do, is wrong, the Government should put all their efforts into trying to balance the national budget and creating new jobs. ( And up until now, Estonia has managed to be just one of the few countries in Europe, which is not in debt, but manages to cut expenses to say balanced.

      Luckily, Keskerakond’s plan to declare mistrust to Reformierakond, failed, in my opinion, because the rest of the politicians understood, that it would do nothing but bad to Estonia. Politologist Anu Toots said in an interview given to Postimees on May fifth, (, that the distrust will probably not go through, as most of the GOvernement and Estonian politicians support Reformierakond and the Social Democrats, and because of that wont go along with it. She said that maybe Keskerakond, will see, that the Government is doing their job well, as the social democrats have a new tax reform, and boths party’s are on the left side. But this did not happen, probably because of what she already said – personal relations, not similar views are what count in Estonian politics.

      So, to sum up, it is in the nations best interest, that the Mistrust did not go through, as the Government has a lot on their minds already. And maybe Anu Toots was right when saying: “Probably, as the Euro Parliament elections are coming up soon, Keskerakod was just trying to keep themselves on the map and in the publics mind. They are very experienced politicians and probably knew, that the mistrust would not go through in these conditions.”


Kristiina Viil

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