Friday, May 15, 2009

European Parliament Elections

Elections for European Parliament are taking place on June 4. – June 7. 2009. Many Estonian citizens are not sure, are they going to vote for the European Parliament. There are many reasons, why people do not do that, they are not familiar with these elections, they do not know about them, they are not interested, or they do not get much information about these elections. Also they may think, that their vote may not change anything. Most certainly, that kind of thinking is not right and all citizens should go to vote, and be the decider. In the European Parliament web-site, there are ten efficacious reasons, why vote on the European Parliament elections. Firstly, when you vote, you are the decider. You have the opportunity to decide the everyday life and future of more than 500 million european. Secondly, you make your voice heard. The member in European Parliament is the voice of yours, and it is important, that you make sure that your voice is heard. Thirdly, Parliament is interested of your well- being, so make sure, that you care about your well- being too. Of course the list goes on, for the more information, go to the European Parliament web- side,

European Parliament have been decided to call youth to vote through social media. There are special accounts, that are mostly ment for youth. They are offering suitable materials and opportunitys for youth, to get the necessary information. The main message, that this account in sending out is the influential importance and also they are reminding the dates that the elections are taking place. They have the account for example on the facebook , MySpace. Also they are planning to open a Internet campaign for the European Parliament elections. I think that it is very good idea, to open accounts on the different Internet web- sites. Because, young people are spending more time on the Internet, than for example reading newspapers. Also young people search more information on the Internet. So I find that this could be very successful and young people are thinking now more on the European Parliament elections, and they are more interested about them, because the information they need is much more available for them.

So do not thing twice, go to vote and make your voice heard in Europe.

Merilin Kaalma 

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